Monday, June 6, 2011

Its official

We are all moved in - FINALLY :)
This has been the busiest & most tiring weekend of my life, but well worth it of course.

We signed Friday at noon and had keys that evening

Saturday morning we woke up at 6:30 and started moving everything, Danny didn't allow me to lift anything because of my procedure 'just to be safe' - even though I insisted and knew I was fine.

Charlie was very confused and frightened, poor little guy has had to adjust to so many new places, but he already has his favorite nooks in the house.

We also had our furniture delivery the day of the move - luckily they came early so we didn't have to wait around too long, we're very pleased!

The house is a huge mess right now, unpacking is taking forever.
Thank goodness I can steal internet from the neighbors for now.

*Here is a little picture overload*

new BFF

Holy furniture


Danny reviving the grass

my little fish decoration in the downstairs bathroom

Charlies favorite spot

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